Required Documents for Your Application:

  • Your responses to demographic information (see below)
  • Personal Statement (PDF): Please complete this form
  • Copy of resume or CV
  • Two references (your references complete this Recommendation Form)

    For assistance completing the application materials, please contact nan Ringera, Administrative Assistant. We want to assure your success with this process - please do not hesitate to contact us for help.

    All fields with (*) are required

    Mailing Address



    Zip/Postal Code*:

    Demographic Information

    Why are we collecting this information?: The UW LEND mission is to build a future healthcare workforce of clinicians, educators, and family and self-advocate leaders who represent the communities we serve. UW LEND is committed to bringing together learners from a variety of backgrounds and lived experiences. The information you provide in your application helps to ensure that we are accountable to the goals of our mission.


    Please select all that apply

    Languages Used (Fluent)*:

    Are You a US Citizen*:YesNo
    Note: UW LEND can only offer training stipends to individuals who are US Citizens; we welcome all applicants; status of citizenship only affects eligibility for stipend.

    Additional Information

    How would you describe your relationship to individuals with a developmental disability? (Check all that apply)

    Please upload your Personal Statement, Resume or CV, and two References.

      For assistance completing the application materials, please contact nan Ringera, Administrative Assistant. We want to assure your success with this process - please do not hesitate to contact us for help.


      All fields with (*) are required


      Mailing Address



      Zip/Postal Code*:



      Demographic Information

      Why are we collecting this information?: The UW LEND mission is to build a future healthcare workforce of clinicians, educators, and family and self-advocate leaders who represent the communities we serve. UW LEND is committed to bringing together learners from a variety of backgrounds and lived experiences. The information you provide in your application helps to ensure that we are accountable to the goals of our mission.


      Please select all that apply

      Languages Used (Fluent)*:

      Are You a US Citizen*:YesNo
      Note: UW LEND can only offer training stipends to individuals who are US Citizens; we welcome all applicants; status of citizenship only affects eligibility for stipend.


      Additional Information

      How would you describe your relationship to individuals with a developmental disability? (Check all that apply)



      Please upload your Personal Statement, Resume or CV, and two References.


      Where Pediatric Clinical Care and Leadership Training Intersect

        Mailing Address

        City and State/Province*:

        Zip/Postal Code*:

        To select multiple, please press and hold the control-key (PC) or command-key (Mac)


        Languages Spoken*:

        Are You a US Citizen*:YesNo
        Note: UW LEND can only offer training stipends to individuals who are US Citizens; we welcome all applicants; status of citizenship only affects eligibility for stipend.

        Academic Information

        Please complete if you are a current/former University of Washington student/employee.

        How would you describe your relationship to individuals with a developmental disability?

        To select multiple, hold control-key (PC) or command-key (Mac)

        If you selected 'Other' above, please enter your information in the text box below:

        Please upload your Personal Statement, Resume or CV, and two References.


        UW LEND Application

        The UW LEND mission is to build a future healthcare workforce of clinicians, educators, and family and self-advocate leaders who represent the communities we serve. UW LEND is committed to bringing together learners from a variety of backgrounds and lived experiences. The information you provide in your application helps to ensure that we are accountable to the goals of our mission.