Introduction to UW LEND Leadership Projects
UW LEND Trainees are required to complete a leadership project under the guidance of their faculty mentor or other UW LEND faculty. Examples of leadership projects:
- Project that fulfills the trainee’s academic thesis or dissertation or research requirement
- Pilot research study
- Survey research for a needs study, assess quality of service, measure client satisfaction
- Develop a product or resource for use in clinical service or training
Choose a topic and project that you are excited about. Each year UW LEND receives project proposals from colleagues in other programs and departments at the University of Washington, and from our partners in the community. Consider working on a project with a small team of trainees. Interdisciplinary collaboration is encouraged.
Trainees present their projects at the UW LEND Leadership and Research Seminar on the first Monday in June. Trainees have the option to present their project as a short oral 10-12 minute presentation or as a professional poster.
Leadership Project Timeline
Identify leadership project and your project team as appropriate
Define scope of project and establish project timeline
Complete literature review
Submit leadership project survey response: title and abstract (link)
• Prepare poster or PowerPoint slides
• Practice presenting with fellow trainees and faculty mentor
Present your project at the UW LEND Leadership and Research Symposium
2024-2025 Leadership Project Proposals
Our colleagues at the University of Washington and our partners in the Seattle community have exciting projects that they invite UW LEND trainees to participate in. Many of these projects would be great for an interdisciplinary team of 2-3 trainees.
Step 1: Please review the Leadership opportunities (below)
Support faculty launch a new Project ECHO supporting parents, caregivers, and family members of children with a disability experiencing challenging behaviors. (Read more)
Sponsor: Katharine Bateman, UW Haring Center for Inclusive Education
Support PKU clinicians explore educational and social supports to help families and individuals manage PKU. (Read more)
Sponsor: Beth Ogata, UW LEND Faculty
Support Alyssa Burnett Adult Life Center (ABC) staff to explore opportunities for partnership with Dept of Vocational Rehabilitation to complement current ABC programming and fill in service gaps (Read more)
Sponsor: Micah Pepper, PhD, Alyssa Burnett Adult Life Center
Support Alyssa Burnett Adult Life Center (ABC) staff to explore the mental and behavioral health needs for adults with IDD participating in ABC services, identify resources in King and Snohomish Counties, and barriers to access. (Read more)
Sponsor: Micah Pepper PhD, Alyssa Burnett Adult Life Center
Support Spokane Regional Health District create educational materials on autism and resources for parents and caregivers with low literacy and to be used for translation into other languages to support the diverse communities in Spokane area. Trainees do not need to live in the Spokane area to work on this project. (Read more)
Sponsor: Kristin Lester, Spokane Regional Health District
Engage with self-advocate autistic young adults and adults to create a video library of their stories to be shared with parents, caregivers and family members who attend the Child Development Clinic and express interest in learning more about autistics life experiences. (Read more)
Sponsors: Kathleen Lehman, Interim LEND Director and Ben Moore, Lead Self-Advocate Family Discipline
Step 2: Sign up for a project
Step 3: Have a question? Please contact Sue Wendel.